Zimm's website

T-34C airplane
Donzi Classic
F250 Superduty
SH-60B seahawk
'82 CJ-7 Jeep
CJ-7 Mods
Old Toys
RC boats
Subaru WRX STI
STI mods
F250 mods

My brother Charlie and I dive several times a month.  We've adopted the DIR (Doing It Right) philosophy of diving.  Its similar to the way the military does things: The gear is standardized so everyone has the same setup.  Emegencies are briefed and practiced as well.  The dives are all planned and executed too.  Adds a lot to safety and the fun of diving.  For more info check out www.gue.com


We use a backplate and wing setup along with a 5' primary regulator hose, short backup reg worn around neck, pressure gauge clipped to the hip, and depth/watch/compass gauges on the wrists.  A wetsuit pockets holds extras.  This results in a streamlined setup with nothing hanging in the slipstream while swimming.


Here we are at Morrison Springs, FL.  150 foot visability and cold 67 degree water.  There's two single room caves full of eels here. 
